With its steady growth and changing demographics, the City of Quincy has recognized its need to expand recreation opportunities serving both city residents and nearby communities. The City has identified priority projects, which include a community aquatics center and field house. Both projects are in preliminary design. To support these efforts the City initiated a series of engagement activities in the summer of 2023 to gauge the community's desire for improving local recreational facilities. Central to its engagement was the preparation and promotion of a digital survey. As its stated goal, the survey sought to identify the needs and expectations of the community related to the proposed parks facilities. Indeed, the survey sought to understand community support for the formation of a Quincy Valley Regional Parks. The establishment of a District is to provide funding for priority facility improvements. This report presents the survey findings including community priorities, usage of, and desire for additional City parks. It also summarizes a series of community engagement activities conducted in requesting community feedback. Appendix A provides a demographic profile with current recreational trends. Ultimately, the intent of this research is to support Quincy's strategy for improving local parks facilities and to support greater opportunities for health, recreation, sports and community activity and gathering.


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